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4iG Plc. Extraordinary Announcement - 2021.06.01_2

Investor Relations


Extraordinary Announcement of 4iG Plc.

On the acquisition of 75% of the quota of Hungaro DigiTel Kft.

4iG Public Limited Company (“4iG”) hereby informs the participants of the capital market that the4iG has acquired on this day the 75% quota in Hungaro DigiTel Kft., (“HDT”) in the course of the previously announced multi-step procedure, namely through a contribution contract between 4iG and Bartolomeu Investments Ltd. – a company indirectly managed by Alpac Capital - Sociedade de Capital de Risco, S.A. and through the related quota purchase agreement.

Under this contribution contract – by performing the necessary transactional steps and procedures – by contributing the 100% quota of Portuguese Telecommunication Investments Ltd. (“PTI”) to 4iG as contribution in kind, Bartolomeu Investments Ltd. has become shareholder of 4iG. As a subsequent step of the transaction, PTI has purchased 25% quota in HDT from Antenna Hungária Zrt.As a result, 4iG has become 75% shareholder of HDT.

The Hungarian Competition Authority (in Hungarian: “Gazdasági Versenyhivatal”) has agreed to the transaction.

4iG provides information in a separate extraordinary announcement on the details of the capital increase related to the contribution in kind.

Budapest, June 1st, 2021

4iG Plc.