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4iG Plc. Extraordinary Announcement - 2021.05.12.

Investor Relations


Extraordinary Announcement of 4iG Plc.

On signing contracts aimed at acquiring 75% of the quota of Hungaro DigiTel Kft.

4iG Public Limited Company (“4iG”) hereby informs the participants of the capital market that in the course of a multi-step procedure aimed at acquiring 75% quota in Hungaro DigiTel Ltd., (“HDT”) a contribution contract between 4iG and Bartolomeu Investments Ltd. – a company indirectly managed by Alpac Capital - Sociedade de Capital de Risco, S.A., was concluded by the parties today, together with the related quota purchase agreement.

Pursuant to this contribution contract – after completing the necessary transactional steps and procedures – by contributing the 100% quota of Portuguese Telecommunication Investments Ltd. (“PTI”) to 4iG as contribution in kind, Bartolomeu Investments Ltd. will become shareholder of 4iG. As an subsequent step of the transaction, PTI will purchase 25% quota in HDT from Antenna Hungária Zrt. As a result, 4iG will become 75% shareholder of HDT.

The transaction may be completed after the competition supervision procedure of the Hungarian Competition Authority (in Hungarian: Gazdasági Versenyhivatal).4iG will provide detailed information regarding the capital increase related to the contribution after the closing of the transaction.

Budapest, May 12th, 2021

4iG Plc.